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ADWEEK: Fenton Group Breaks Ads for MobileFab -- January, 2004
January 06, 2004

Fenton makes a point for MobileFab.

BOSTON The Fenton Group has unveiled a print, radio and outdoor push for MobileFab, a company that simplfies and facilitates the fabrication and installation of kitchen countertops.

The work, which targets women 35-54 with household incomes in excess of $100,000, "speaks to the benefits of the convenience of the [single-day] process" compared with "the pain" of traditional countertop installation, which can take three weeks or more, said Josh Fenton, principal of the independent shop in Providence, R.I.

"This is a tremendous opportunity to build a national brand," Fenton said.

The campaign, which employs a clean graphic approach and no-nonsense copy lines such as "Countertop replacement in one day," breaks this month with outdoor and radio in southern New England markets. Spending was not disclosed. Billboards were designed by Adam Springer; radio ads were written by Steve Bautista.

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